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Is Your Business Utilizing Ground Expedited Shipping?

Ground Expedited Shipping

Expedite shipping has an integral role to play in the supply chain. Let’s look at it in this way. If you are a customer, would you not want your orders to get to you as soon as possible? Well, obviously!

Research has shown that around 41% of customers are willing to pay to receive their orders the same day. Moreover, about 24% are willing to pay extra to receive their orders within hours.

Expedite shipping helps immensely to fulfill these requirements on the demand side of the market. Apart from that, with expedite shipping services, businesses also have a chance to gain more customers.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things related to expedite shipping. Read till the end to take your knowledge about expedite shipping to the next level.

Expedite Shipping: What Is It?

Expedited shipping usually involves a single mode of transportation. This has one particular and essential advantage: short transit times. Another advantage of expedited shipping is that it allows you to track the shipment. This eliminates all the adrenaline rush that you might experience and gives you peace of mind. Trucks that provide Expedited shipping in our company include:
•  Sprinter Vans
•  Straight Trucks
•  Cargo Vans

If you need a reliable transportation van service, you can count on RJ Logistics. RJ Logistics will take care of all your shipping requirements from the start to the end.

More About Expedited Shipping And Logistics

Expedited shipping usually involves a single mode of transportation. This has one particular and essential advantage: short transit times. Another advantage of expedited shipping is that it allows you to track the shipment. This eliminates all the adrenaline rush that you might experience and gives you peace of mind.

If you are looking for similar services, RJ Logistics will take care of all your shipping requirements from the start to the end.

Reasons To Use Expedite Shipping Services

The main reason most people use expedited shipping is that it delivers their shipments faster than the usual time. However, that is not the only reason why you should choose this service. Read below to know more about the benefits that come with expedited shipping.

Shipment of Perishable Items

If you are looking to ship items like food, particularly baked items and frozen food, expedite shipping is your go-to option. This service will make sure your products are safely and timely delivered to your customers.

Increase Profits

If customers are sure their orders will be delivered quickly, they will be pushed to order your product. Apart from that, offering expedites shipping to customers who want it will have a significant impact on your sales.

Saves Inventory Costs

If you ship orders quickly, items will spend less time in your inventory—helping you reduce your inventory costs.

Final Thoughts

The demand for expedite shipping is increasing with the birth of more businesses. To say that it has become a necessity would not be wrong.

At RJ Logistics, we possess 12+ years of experience in critical shipments and Expedites. If you are looking for similar services, please get in touch with us.

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